Worked on this project as one of five team members, in five days we built this full-stack project using Ruby on Rails, Google Maps API, with 100% test coverage, we hosted the project on and AWS used to host project media.
Worked on this project as one of four team members, within four days we built this full-stack project using Ruby on Rails, with 100% test coverage, the project is hosted on
These all small applications that can be used to complemnt other bigger applications, to create these web applications I strictly used ES6, CSS3 and HTML5 with very minimal use for libraries or frameworks.
I designed my Résumé from groundup with simple Html5
and CSS3
Newsly is customizable news app where the user can select sources and subjects as per there preferences, technologies to use: React, Google Cloud.
It is this website, I used some Material Design concepts, especially on the portfolio cards, technologies used: ES6, jQuery, Materialize.